Five Herbs For Blood Circulation You Should Keep Handy

Proper circulation is essential for a healthy life. About 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body transport oxygen and nutrients to every cell. This function is vital for survival.
Beyond its nutrient transport function, this awesome liquid is essential to the immune system. White blood cells that are carried in the blood help fight infections. Proper circulation also allows the organs to function optimally and gives you a natural blush.
All these functions are hampered once there is bad circulation. When that happens, the blood vessels cannot transport blood all over the body. That is usually a result of narrowing or blockage of the arteries and veins.
Signs of Bad Circulation
If you suspect a decline in your circulation, you should watch yourself for these signs:
- Painful muscle cramps: These occur due to inadequate oxygen and nutrient supply to the muscles and usually happen after some activity.
- Numbness or cold extremities: When there is a decline in circulation, the first places hit are the extremities. Your fingers and toes begin to feel numb and cold due to the reduced blood supply.
- Body Swelling: Poor circulation can cause body parts, especially your feet, to swell. That is because of inadequate blood supply to the kidneys.
- Bulging veins: When valves in the veins fail, blood begins to flow backward. This increases the pressure, causing those veins to swell. They turn purple or blue and are usually found on the feet.
- Chest pain: If your heart doesn't get enough blood, you will begin to feel some chest pain. This usually feels tight and heavy and sometimes radiates across the arms, neck, jaw, or back.
- Weakened Immune System: Without the blood supply to transport white blood cells to their point of need, the immune system would suffer. You’d begin to fall ill more quickly and take longer to heal.
- Erectile Problems: The male erection is sustained by copious amounts of blood filling the vessels there. Without proper circulation, you might be forced to cancel some plans.
- Poor Cognitive Function: The brain needs high blood flow to function effectively. Reduced supply can lead to memory problems and difficulty concentrating.
Five Top Herbs For Blood Circulation
You may have poor blood circulation if you've noticed any of the signs above. Don't let it bother you too much. There are some lifestyle changes you can make to improve your condition.
The most important thing to do is to quit smoking. Smoking makes your blood vessels sticky, letting them attract fatty substances that clog them up.
Other good steps include regular exercise, reducing stress, and losing weight. Finally, your diet should be modified. Avoid fatty foods like butter and cheese that can clog your arteries, and add some special herbs to your diet.
Many herbs can help improve blood circulation. We’ll show you a few of them:
Cayenne Pepper
This spicy herb is at home in kitchen cabinets and steaming pots of chili. Its unique taste has made it a common ingredient in many recipes.
However, beyond making your eyes water, cayenne peppers are also great for your blood circulation. That is due to the phytochemical Capsaicin, which is responsible for the spicy flavor of the herb.
Capsaicin stimulates the release of nitric oxide and other vasodilators. These chemicals expand the blood vessels, allowing more blood to flow where it is needed.
Cayenne tincture also reduces the buildup of plaque in the blood vessels. It does this by removing bad cholesterol and even breaking down fibrin, which could cause blood clots.
This herb is sometimes called a ‘living fossil.’ That is because the plant probably evolved 200 million years ago, way before the dawn of humanity. This ancient plant was used in traditional Chinese medicine for various ailments—one of which is poor blood circulation.
Ginkgo biloba tincture has a positive effect on nitric oxide levels in the body. That widens the blood vessels, reducing blood pressure as a result.
Ginkgo also serves as an antioxidant. It protects red blood cells from oxidative stress that could result from pollution or exposure to chemicals.
Hawthorn Berry
The Hawthorn Berry is another herb from traditional Chinese medicine that has found its way into our list. This herb is packed with antioxidants that protect the red blood cells from being destroyed by oxidative stress.
Hawthorn berry tincture also helps reduce plaque buildup in the arteries. In a 6-month study of 64 people with poor circulation, Hawthorn Berry was found to reduce the thickness of their harmful plaque significantly.
This herb also lowers blood pressure, preventing arterial damage.
Black PeppercornBlack Peppercorn is native to India but is a popular herb that can be easily gotten anywhere in the world. This plant contains copious amounts of piperine, a phytochemical that has antioxidant properties. Black Peppercorn tincture has demonstrated an ability to reduce blood pressure in animal trials. It achieved this by working against some chemicals that cause hypertension. This herb also increases the bioavailability of many other plants, causing their effects on the body to last much longer. ThymeThis herb can be found in almost every kitchen. A handy helper for every chef, this plant also has other uses beyond making meals delicious. This herb is an antioxidant, protecting red blood cells from oxidative stress. An animal study found that thyme lowered the heart rate of rats with high blood pressure. There was also a concurrent reduction in cholesterol levels. There haven't been many human trials, but the trends from the animal trials are clearly positive.
ConclusionPoor blood circulation is a huge issue for every human being. However, with these herbs, you can improve your condition. While these herbs are usually best fresh, some of them are pretty difficult to find. Black pepper, for instance, is native to India and can't be found elsewhere unless cultivated. It would be best if you purchase supplements for that reason. They also let you track your intake. Taking these herbs with regular exercise is a recipe for success, and your progress will surprise you. Good luck. |