I’m 69, & look 100 after sitting or sleeping, when trying to get up. The stiffness, knee pain is horrible, I brace using the walls for a minute or so. If I sit for a meal or driving, same stiffness.
I began these at the same time, early April. All I know is for the first time in at least 8 yrs I was greatly improved this morning! I had taken Tylenol during the night, but it’s useless. It wasn’t the Tylenol. This is the only recent change I made.
I’m truly amazed.
And I’m so tired of swallowing bulky pills-the liquid is much better for me.
I’m not sure how or why these are helping, but I’m very pleased to see some improvement.
Horse Chestnut:
My chiropractor wanted me to get Horse Chestnut for circulation. I showed her your product. She said I found a good one. I’m prone to get superficial clots behind my knees if traveling.
Love your products & service.
Thank you.