What Herbs will be Good for You if You are Often Freezing?

Gray, rainy and freezing days; the solution is undoubtedly a warm infusion! Winter brings some reasonably common health problems, which worsen even more with the change of time. Luckily, there are some natural remedies that can help you overcome the freezing winter and its consequences. This article shares the five best herbs that keep you warm when there's freezing out there.
5 Best Herbs to Help You if You Often Freeze
For the cold that soaks the bones, the best solution is undoubtedly a thyme infusion. Thanks to one of the substances it contains, thymol, it is ideal for strengthening the immune system. It helps alleviate some flu symptoms and fight coughs, sore throats, headaches and improve digestion.
You can take its infusion by heating it in water or include its supplements in your daily intake.
Chamomile is one of the oldest known medicinal herbs. It is full of multiple benefits: it helps with good digestion, calms and reduces anxiety, stress, and strengthens the immune system.
You can prepare chamomile infusion in two ways, but both are as effective: dried chamomile flowers or ready-made sachets. The easiest way is to consume its supplements in tincture or capsule form.
The appearance of sleep disorders is quite frequent when you're freeze. Research shows that one in three people are negatively affected by the change in weather with increased sleep disturbances, fatigue and difficulties getting up.
Compared to anti-anxiety drugs and hypnotics, which are more aggressive and with more side effects, the properties of Passionflower are even recognized by the scientific community for the treatment of insomnia. A recent clinical study demonstrated the positive impacts of Passionflower on the total sleep time of people with insomnia disorder[1].
Thanks to the flavonoids and alkaloids of Passionflower, they help you get a restful and quality sleep. It is also indicated in case of stress, anxiety or nervousness. Thus, you can add it to your diet as a supplement, but with the consultation of your doctor.
Cinnamon has been used in confectionery due to its aroma and intensely sweet flavor. Now, it turns out that cinnamon also has digestive properties and helps stimulate circulation. It is mainly used to prepare tea, an infusion from India, but is now known worldwide thanks to its benefits for health.
Cinnamon is one of the herbs that keep you warm and also helps to protect the body from the discomforts of freezing temperatures thanks to its antibacterial and antiviral properties. Drink it by making an infusion or add it to your daily intake in the form of a tincture or capsules.
In addition to warming the body, this infusion also helps to eliminate fluids that you do not need. Specifically, it contributes to removing toxins thanks to the fact that it contains silica and potassium. Another of its benefits is undoubtedly the diuretic properties it has.
You can make its infusion rich in qualities or consume its supplements to keep yourself warm throughout the freezing days.
It is time to say goodbye to the freeze and start taking care of a little more of the adverse effects of winter. With these herbs, you are sure to avoid any infection that comes from outside. Share this information with your loved ones who are often freezing and help them effectively combat the cold days.
[1]Lee, Jeewon, Han-Young Jung, Soyoung Irene Lee, Ji Ho Choi, and Shin-Gyeom Kim. "Effects of Passiflora incarnata Linnaeus on polysomnographic sleep parameters in subjects with insomnia disorder: a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled study." International clinical psychopharmacology 35, no. 1 (2020): 29-35. [Retrieved from https://journals.lww.com/intclinpsychopharm/Abstract/2020/01000/Effects_of_Passiflora_incarnata_Linnaeus_on.4.aspx]