Top 5 Herbs For Digestion To Get Today

We’re sure everyone can testify that a full stomach is a happy one. Most of the crankiness and sour mood is usually rid of after a satisfying meal. In addition to the nutritional benefits, eating well is important for our daily lives.
Here’s the thing, if we take a look at the digestive tract (or gut), we discover that 90% of the serotonin the body uses is produced there. And serotonin is vital for regulating moods such as happiness and anxiety. Thus, proper digestion is indeed non-negotiable.
We also can’t enjoy the benefits of eating a healthy meal if our digestive system isn’t in peak shape.
Now, the digestive system isn't one to just suddenly stop working. Various factors hinder its proper functioning. The biggest factor is, as expected, related to how we feed. While we can't take away eating from our daily routine, there are meals we ingest that could cause serious harm to the gut and make digestion tedious.
But at the same time, we can aid the digestion process by adding specific meals and nutrients to our diet. In the same way, meals can alter digestion, there are some types of food out there that aid this process. A vital example is the use of herbs for digestion.
Different herbs have several different purposes and some of them are useful for the easy conversion of food into absorbable nutrients. We take a look at the 5 herbs for digestion you need to get today.
Herbs for Digestion
First on our list of herbs for digestion is the stubborn weed we see every day. Dandelions are known for their white seeds that get carried by the wind. However, the roots of this weed are more important than you know.
Known for being bitter plants, dandelions are great laxatives and function by increasing gastric motility. The benefit of this action is that food passes faster as it moves down the GIT. And we're not talking about a slight increase; as much as a 37% boost is added to gastric motility.
This is achieved through the relaxation of the muscles between the stomach and the small intestine. At the end of the day, digestion is made easier and the body can get the needed nutrients faster. Dandelions can be added to your diet as a supplement or the roots can be used to make tea.
Lemon Balm
From the family of mints comes another herb useful for aiding digestive processes. Typically found in Europe and North Africa, this herb is known for its benefits to the cognitive and digestive systems. But we’ll keep our focus on the latter here.
Lemon balm is on this list due to its effects on those suffering from indigestion. There are days when we want to sit down and relax with a cup of dessert. However, it could all go south and if not careful, some of these tasty treats could cause not-so-fun digestive problems.
Those problems include frequent pain and discomfort in the abdominal region. But luckily, this is where lemon balm comes in. It’s been discovered through research that adding lemon balm to your meals can reduce such pains and have a positive effect on the rate of digestion.
Lemon balm can be taken in powder forms or as a herbal supplement. You can also consume lemon balm tea to aid the digestive process.
Undoubtedly the most popular plant on this list of herbs for digestion. Turmeric is widely known for being a spice that can be added to several dishes. The turmeric powder spice we see in stores is a product extracted from the roots of the herb. However, the plant is also useful for aiding digestion.
When turmeric is added to meals, its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties are noted. The herb also helps with gut permeability and penetration making it easier to digest food.
As we know, turmeric powder can be added as a spice to cooked meals, but a supplement is a great way to get a specific dosage of this wonder herb and stick to it.
Cardamom is a herb with an intense but sweet flavor. Originally from India, this herb has grown to be widely adopted by many in their meals as well as for health-related purposes. Through the seeds and oils that are extracted, you can get a lot of benefits, especially in the digestive tract.
For thousands of years, cardamom has been adopted into health practices as one of the beneficial herbs for digestion. The usual method involves combining cardamom with other spices to yield positive results. These include the alleviation of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
You can get your daily fix of cardamom through our supplements.
The last on our herbs for digestion list is the plant most often regarded as the Scottish or English garden marigold. Known for its bright yellow petals, this flower is often seen in floral displays but more importantly, the extracts can be cooked and eaten.
The herb is also known for its flavonoid content making it a good anti-inflammatory plant. Therefore, it can be added to the diet to prevent or reduce problems surrounding the digestive system including indigestion.
As for consumption, the petals of the calendula flower are dried and steeped to make tea, or you could go for a supplement which removes all that hassle.
Why herbs for Digestion?
We are what we eat so it's important to be careful when picking what we ingest. Also, it's important to add healthy supplements to our meals to make it easier on our body systems, especially our digestive tract. Taking herbs for digestion is one great way to assist the gut in turning what we eat into the nutrients we need.
Also, herbs are safer to consume and are more organic, making them the better supplement option. Plus the fact that herbs can be turned into ingredients for cooking meals makes it easier to adopt them into our regular diet.
A healthy meal is almost pointless if the body can’t absorb the nutrients it provides. Therefore, finding ways to ease the digestive process is essential for peak health. And as seen above, herbs for gut health come with several benefits and are easy to use, making them good options.