Сhinese Herbs for Constipation: Natural Remedies for Relief

Constipation is a problem that everyone faces from time to time and it has always been so. It may happen for many different reasons, from poor quality or unbalanced food to stress. Over hundreds and thousands of years people have accumulated knowledge and experience in dealing with that unpleasant ailment and today we are going to tell you about a few Chinese herbs for constipation that may make your life a little better. In this article, we will not only rely on the long history of observation, and experience of herbalists and traditional healers but also on scientific research, so that after reading you will have the information you need to solve this problem, if you have it or be ready to fight it in the future.

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Causes of Occurrence

Before describing solutions, let's try to understand the cause of the problem:

  • Improper diet: lack of fiber or water in the diet, poor quality foods.
  • Sedentary lifestyle: lack of physical activity has a bad effect on bowel function and slows down digestion, which can lead to constipation.
  • Changes in daily routine: changes in sleeping or eating patterns can affect the regularity of defecation.
  • Ignoring the urges: in case you are not able to visit the toilet when you need it, it extremely impacts bowel movements, making the stools hard.
  • Health issues: constipation can be a symptom of many serious and not-so-serious health problems, as well as some remedies to regale them.
  • Hormonal changes: e.g. during pregnancy or adolescence.
  • Age: as we age, bowel function can slow down. It is also common for elderly people to lead inactive lifestyles, which is also a factor in constipation.

Knowing these risk factors you can try to change your lifestyle to prevent the cause of the problem but unfortunately, this is not always possible.

Top Сhinese Herbs for Constipation

So what does traditional medicine have to offer to solve the issue? Let us tell you about 4 of the most effective herbs!


Ginger is a truly magical plant widely used in cooking and medicine due to its unusual flavor and numerous beneficial properties. In Asian cultures, it is the cornerstone around which ancient medicine was built. It is taken in different forms such as powder, tea, or ginger tincture.

Ginger is sure to appear on any list of herbs for digestion and herbs for gut health. It stimulates the production of saliva and digestive juices, which facilitates digestion. Thanks to its carminative properties, it helps reduce gas and abdominal bloating. Ginger relieves inflammation and can stimulate intestinal peristalsis. It can also be useful for nausea, such as in pregnant women.

Besides all of the above, this plant can help boost immunity, lower cholesterol levels, and prevent respiratory problems.


Hawthorn Berry

Speaking of Chinese herbs for constipation, it is impossible not to mention hawthorn berries.  Most people know this plant for its cardiovascular benefits and antioxidant properties, but it is also an effective remedy for constipation. Hawthorn stimulates digestion and promotes better digestion due to its flavonoids and organic acids. It can help relieve symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, and discomfort due to its anti-inflammatory effects. Hawthorn berries capsules stimulates intestinal motility and improves intestinal microflora because of its antibacterial properties.



Wormwood is an herbaceous plant that has long been used in traditional medicine to minister to various conditions. Wormwood's health benefits includes stimulating the production of bile and gastric juice and helps with abdominal bloating and gas, which helps you feel better with abdominal pain. Wormwood tinctures has been used since ancient times as an antiparasitic agent and to stimulate intestinal motility.

Other positive effects include antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects. However, it should be remembered that wormwood can be toxic in large doses, so it should be taken with caution.



Peppermint (Mentha piperita) is a hybrid of two species of mint: water mint and spearmint. It is widely used in cooking, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals for its refreshing aroma and many beneficial properties. Peppermint helps relax the smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines, which reduces spasms and discomfort in upset stomachs. It can also stimulate the production of digestive juices reduces pain and improves well-being. In addition to its stomach benefits, peppermint relieves headaches and improves concentration and focus.

At secrets.shop it is contained within digestive capsules. It also contains other herbs beneficial for digestion, such as wormwood, anise seeds, milk thistle seeds, and others. The capsules are designed by secrets.shop professionals for the maximum positive effect. Of course, all our products are certified and tested by third-party laboratories.


Safe and Efficient Use

Consuming any herbs, not just the Chinese herbs for constipation mentioned above is important. Always be aware of possible allergic reactions that may occur with any product. Follow the dosage and buy herbs from trusted sellers such as secrets.shop. Our products are certified and have passed all necessary tests. You can also consult with secrets.shop specialists on any questions you may have via chat, email, or phone. Read the instructions for use on the package carefully and consult your doctor if necessary to minimize the already minor risks.


As you can see traditional medicine offers many ways to fight constipation, and the beneficial effects of the described herbs are not only verified by time and hundreds of thousands of people, but also by scientific research. By choosing the right remedy you will be able to get rid of this unpleasant problem or prevent its occurrence, especially if you are in the risk group. Adding a few drops of tincture or taking an herbal capsule is not difficult at all, it is easy to get into the habit and also much safer than some other means of solving this problem.  Be healthy and happy! All the best!

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