Learn the Herbs – Lavender

Lavender tincture

This article shares with you the properties and benefits of the well-known herb, Lavender. Despite its popularity, many of its virtues are still unknown to many. Let’s discuss!

The herb lavender grows in the Mediterranean region and northern Africa. It is cultivated for its essential oil, produced by distilling flower spikes from specific lavender species and is used for various cosmetic purposes. However, the herb is also widely used herbal medicines for its healing properties. Let’s discuss its virtues!

Lavender tincture

Properties and Benefits of Lavender

Lavender is an herb with countless healing properties. Due to its calming and soothing effect, Lavender has long been used to alleviate the symptoms of anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, and other nervous, digestive discomforts. It is also often used in alleviating the symptoms of hair loss and fungal infections.

Lavender oil is thought to have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. These properties may prove helpful in alleviating bug bites and minor burns.

Lavender tincture

Some studies show that lavender tea may be helpful for digestive health. It may improve digestive problems like abdominal swelling, upset stomach, intestinal gas, nausea and vomiting.

The Journal of Medical Microbiology published a study indicating that lavender oil may help to alleviate infections resistant to anti-fungal treatments. Researchers noted that lavender oil could help combat strains that cause skin problems.

Researchers noted that lavender oil might work for this purpose by disrupting membranes of fungus cells. The study was promising since it showed that lavender is effective against a wide variety of fungus strains.

Lavender tincture

Lavender may help improving the symptoms of hair loss. In this condition, hair loss happens from some or all parts of the body. One research study from 1998 indicates that after 7 months of treatment, lavender can boost hair growth by up to 44%.

Thus, whether consumed as infusion or supplement, Lavender can help improve the conditions mentioned above. Infuse 1 to 1.5 g of dried flowers in 150 ml of boiling water for 5 minutes to prepare its infusion. You can consume this infusion up to three times a day. Another way to consume and benefit from this magical herb is in capsule or tincture form.

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