Algae-Benefits for Humans and Role in Nature

Algae have very diverse uses depending on the group. Red, green and brown algae are eaten as a vegetable. Blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria) such as spirulina or green algae such as chlorella are rich in proteins and vitamins and sold as food supplements. Brown and red algae bring a real economic benefit because of the gelling agents or thickeners that are industrially extracted from their cell walls.

Let's discuss this further, exploring the numerous health benefits of algae and its economic interests.

Health Benefits of Algae for Humans

Algae are astonishing health allies that have much more to offer us, given their exceptional nutritional profile. They are an excellent source of:

  • Antioxidants;
  • Vitamin A, B5, B9, B12, C, K;
  • Minerals such as iron, calcium, iodine, manganese, zinc, etc.
  • Dietary fiber.

The regular consumption of algae helps maintain good health and prevent a host of ailments. They are rich in antioxidants, fibers and phytosterols that help alleviate the symptoms of cardiovascularconditions, diabetes and hypertension. Let's discuss some of the Algae with multiple virtues!


Chlorella, rich in vegetable proteins, is a microalga widely used in food supplements of plant origin. Among its various benefits are improved digestive balance, pH balance, anti-aging and detox effects.

Taking Chlorella as a food supplement in the form of capsules or tinctures can help you get all the essential vitamins and minerals, fight your deficiencies, and keep you in better health. It fights against constipation, maintains a healthy digestive system, rebalances the acid-base pH, has anti-aging benefits and is a detox and protective ally.

Kelp or Bladderwrack

Bladderwrack is a brown seaweed used historically to relieve joint pain. Today, it alleviates many ailments ranging from obesity to inflammation, dry skin, and mental and physical development.

Due to its laxative properties, it promotes digestion and intestinal transit. Its satiety enhancer effect and anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory properties suppress appetite, repair deficiencies and stimulate the thyroid gland. Its supplements are available in the form of tinctures and capsules.


Spirulina, a microalga, is a concentrate of nutrients that give it certain virtues. It is a superfood with many health properties, belonging to the family of cyanobacteria or blue-green algae. You can consume its supplement in the form of capsules or tinctures and benefit from its richness of nutrients, including beta-carotene, iron, vitamins, proteins and minerals. These nutrients give it powerful antioxidant and antiviral properties that prevent the formation of free radicals and boost the immune system.

Role of Algae in Nature

Algae have ecological importance as elements structuring various aquatic habitats, but also as primary producers. Almost half of the primary production is of oceanic origin, and 90% of this production is attributable to the smaller planktonic algae.

Green algae produce lipids from which it is envisioned to obtain biofuels. The diatoms are used for the greening of oysters as food aquaculture. Covered with a glass envelope (silica) called frustule, they are the source of a fossil deposit used by many industries for oil exploration, wine filtration, etc. Their ability to use silica inspired the creation of various materials like plastics covered with a thin layer of glass to prevent scratching.

Other algae which have abundant fossil representatives, such as dinophytes, are used as stratigraphic markers. The traditional use of macroalgae as a fertilizer rich in mineral elements is still practiced locally. It is a fertilizer with the advantage of slowly decomposing and, therefore of gradually releasing its nutrients.

Now that you know the health benefits of algae, you can incorporate its supplements into your daily intake with the consultation of your doctor. Do not forget to share this information with your loved one, and let us know if the information was helpful!

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