Onion, scientifically known as Allium Cepa, is a perennial subterranean plant belonging to the fa...
Onion, scientifically known as Allium Cepa, is a perennial subterranean plant belonging to the family Amaryllidaceae. It's also commonly referred to as bulb onion and common onion. Onion is well known across the world as a staple food, growing in Asia, Europe, Africa, and America.
Parts Used: Bulb
Certified Organic
Country of Origin: USA
Benefits and Uses:
Recovery aid
- Blood sugar balance
- Hair loss
- Source of antioxidants
- Inflammation relief
Active Ingredients::
- Myricetin
- Quercetin
- Potassium
- Prebiotic
- Amino Acids
- Flavonoids
Traditional Use:
Onion has been used for centuries, as both a food and herbal remedy. It is believed to be beneficial for hair loss and aiding the body's recovery process.
Modern Use:
Onion is known for reducing inflammation and containing a large quantity of antioxidants. In addition, it is still used to help with hair loss and recovery.
Fun Fact
The onion has been cultivated for at least 7,000 years.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.