32 Years ago when my liver was failing and I was on the transplant list my miracle worker Hematologist prescribed Quinine tabs for my constant dehabilitating leg cramps. After transplantation until now I have had very few cramps of any kind. Well it is that time again, as my gift has lived it's life, and I can't get any of my providers to prescribe Quinine, saying that they no longer prescribe Quinine, that there are other ways (meds) to control this issue (which none have worked) yet.
I am a market farmer working 4 hrs. hard labor and 5-6 hrs. light work daily, on my feet all that time.
I started this tincture regimen about three weeks ago with 5 drops every 4 waking hour and perceived some relief immediately, however I am now at 30 drop alternating dosages of cinchona then quinine 4 times daily with increased water intake. I still have light cramping in my legs & feet during the day. I still am woken on average from sleep twice a night due to less severe leg or feet cramps. Just wish the Tribe offered a more concentrated version. But for what the Tribe offered and I bought, I am happy I found them !!. I will be ordering more very soon. END