Andrographis, formally referred to as Andrographis paniculata and commonly known as green chireta...
Andrographis, formally referred to as Andrographis paniculata and commonly known as green chireta or creat, is a species of annual herbaceous plant in the acanthus family. It's native to India and Sri Lanka and grows 30 to 110 cm.
Parts Used: Herb
Certified Organic
Country of Origin: China
Uses and Benefits:
- Respiratory
- Health
- Cold
- Fever
- Digestion
- Liver Health
Andrographis is the source of:
- Andrographolide
- Diterpenoids
- Flavonoids
- Polyphenols
Traditional Uses:
Traditional Asian and African herbalists used Andrographis for centuries to treat a diverse array of health conditions such as aches, pains, loss of appetite, and liver conditions.
Modern Studies:
Some studies have examined that a significant compound in Andrographis, andrographolide, can be beneficial in the treatment of bacterial and viral infections as well as illnesses. Modern-day herbalists recommend using Andrographis to treat upper respiratory tract infections.
Fun Fact
Andrographis was used during the 1918 Indian Influenza Pandemic to treat the infected and help sop the spread of disease.
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