Allergy: features and ways to deal with it

Our immune system protects the body from dangerous bacteria and viruses. But sometimes it happens that the immune system becomes too sensitive and tries to protect us from substances that are not actually dangerous. These substances are known as allergens, and an overreaction of the immune system to them is an allergic reaction.

Causes of allergy

Researchers are not quite sure what can cause allergies and why some people can happily walk through flowering meadows, while others get a terrible runny nose only receiving a bouquet of flowers. 

It is known that allergies are related to genetics. Thus, if someone in your family has an allergy it is likely that you will also have it. 

Interestingly, not a specific type of allergy is transmitted genetically, but only the susceptibility to allergic reactions. That is, if your father is allergic to fish, you may have it for something else.

Allergy reaction

The task of the immune system is to destroy dangerous substances that have entered the body. And if a person is allergic to a substance, after it gets into the body, the immune system will decide that it is dangerous and will try to destroy it, resulting in inflammation and irritation. The specific symptoms will depend on the type of allergen. For example, allergies to pollen and dust will be characterized by symptoms such as a runny nose, itchy eyes, coughing, and watery eyes. While food allergies are characterized by a swollen tongue, vomiting, swelling of the lips, face, and throat, tingling in the mouth and others.

The most common allergens:

  • Pet dander
  • Certain medications
  • Food. The most common are nuts, shellfish, milk and wheat
  • Insect stings
  • Airborne mold spores
  • Plants. Including pollens from grass and trees, resin from plants such as poison ivy and poison oak

If you have an allergy to a specific food, say, tomatoes, then the solution is simple — if you avoid eating tomatoes, you’ll be fine. But when it comes to seasonal allergies, things get a little more complicated. After all, we cannot cancel the spring and the blooming of flowers. But there are several ways to make your life easier:

  • Walking in the fresh air is best saved for wet, cloudy weather following rainfall.
  • For ventilation, opt for an air conditioner and close the windows. If that’s not possible, use damp gauze curtains.
  • Thoroughly clean your house more often than you normally would.
  • During the day, take frequent showers and use special products for rinsing the nasal mucosa.

Creating products aimed to help the organism to overcome allergies and its symptoms, we selected components that have long proven their usefulness and effectiveness. 

For centuries people have traditionally used herbs to cope with various ailments and improved health. With the combined experience and wisdom of our ancestors, along with our present-day techniques we have made products that really do their job: Allergy Secret and Histamine Secret.

Allergy Secret

The main target of this formula is helping the body to deal with allergic symptoms. It contains Rosemary which is a source of carnosol and carnosic acids - compounds that are responsible for the anti-inflammatory properties of the herb. Another component - Butterbur - is known as a natural remedy for allergic rhinitis and accompanying symptoms such as sneezing, watery eyes, runny nose, and coughing. Marshmallow Root is used for soothing inflammation and swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Stinging Nettle, which is also included in the Allergy Secret formula, soothes the symptoms of hay fever due to strong anti-inflammatory properties. The last ingredient - Eyebright - has been traditionally used for easing inflammation caused by cough, also it contains tannins and flavonoids that provide the relief of allergy symptoms.

Histamine Secret

This formula is created to promote the organism to cope with allergies from within. Galangal, contained in Histamine Secret, is responsible for the anti-inflammatory effect. Licorice beneficially affects the respiratory system, while its soothing properties help to relieve a sore throat. Another ingredient - Stinging Nettle - is known due to the anti-inflammatory effect, which makes this herb effective for easing hay fever symptoms. Watercress helps to reduce inflammation, swelling and tissue damage. Moringa, also contained in Histamine Secret, is a source of anti-allergenic properties. It is traditionally used for soothing conditions such as asthma and allergic rhinitis, as well as it helps to reduce cough, wheezing, dyspnea, and other conditions connected with asthma symptoms. Thyme that completes this formula has a long history of using as a natural remedy for the respiratory system, as it helps to deal with cough, swelling of the lungs and mouth, and sore throat.


  • Thank you for your information on herbs and what causes allergies. I enjoy reading of the benefits of the herbs. Everything I have purchased has been excellent quality.

    Sandra K
  • Educational information

    Teashia Williams

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