Yerba Mate has been used in South America as an energy boost. Nowadays Yerba Mate is available all over the world. This plant is rich in phenolic compounds, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, caffeine and theobromine, flavonoids (quercetin, kaempferol, and rutin), tannins, saponins, and vitamins C, B1, and B2. Calendic acid, Polysaccharides, Linoleic acid, Carotenoids, and Flavonoids inside Pot Marigold create unique conditions to use this herb as part of practices of traditional medicine. It is believed to be excellent immune-booster. 10 herbs you will be sure to remember. Linden is a powerful herb, that is rich in Flavonoids, Essential oil, and Tannins. Linden is widely used by folk healers due to its powerful detox effect. Usnea is a valuable lichen species, a source of beneficial usnic acid. It’s commonly known as an immune-boosting force of nature.