Secrets Of The Tribe
Angelica Tincture
Parts Used: Root
Country of Origin: Bulgaria
Benefits and Uses
- To Improve Gut Health
- Bacterial, viral, and fungal infections
- To Manage Stress and Anxiety
- Circulation-related issues
- Culinary purposes
Active Ingredients
- Terpenes
- Coumarins
- Furocumarins
Traditional Uses
Europeans used Angelica plant for anxiety, digestive issues, and problems related to blood circulation.
It was also believed to have antimicrobial properties.
Modern Uses
Angelica herb is used for digestive issues, and improve gut health. It is also used as an appetite booster, calm nerves, deal with sleep issues, joint pain and inflammation, support healthy nervous system, and promote immune health. A. archangelica can also help with bacterial, fungal, and viral infections and improving blood circulation.
Fun Fact
The history of angelica’s use as a spice can be traced back to 1500 A.D. However, it didn’t gain widespread popularity as a vegetable and medicinal plant until the 12th century.
In Germany, the fruit of A. archangelica plant is approved to be used for loss of appetite, indigestion, fever, cold, and urinary tract infection.
The herb is also used for various culinary purposes, such as to flavor jams and liquors. Angelica stems are also candied.
* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate, or prevent any disease. Results may vary based on individual user and are not guaranteed.